Monday, February 14, 2011

The Big Issue Too.

The 'Big Issue' and the 'Big Society' seem to have something in common. They are both in their different quarters, the former journalism, the latter politics, both like elephants invisible to everybody else in the room, who does not want to take the trouble to notice them. Either we are not interested in 'tag' journalism. Somebody trying to stick a price tag on us and then charging us for a newspaper we don't want. Or similarly a political idea about 'volunteering' not paid for as good middle class thrifty people we don't want for nothing either. The working class may want both the Big Issue, and the Big Society. But they can't pay for them. The middle class can pay for them but doesn't want to buy something that seems to imply they both don't seem to need to be paid for. Especially if you ignore them.

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